20. God, however, is wholly outside the order of time, stationed as it were at the summit of eternity, which is wholly simultaneous, and to Him the course of of time is subjected in one simple intuition. For this reason, He sees at one glance everything that is effected in the evolution of time, and each thing as it is in itself, and it is not future to Him in relation to His view as it is in the order of its causes alone (although He also sees the very order of the causes), but each of the things that are in whatever time is seen wholly eternally as the human eye sees Socrates sitting, not in its causes but in itself. (St. Thomas Aquinas 1269)
"COSMOS TODAY" invokes for your inspection and testing today, the nature of the universal order that is responsible for the universe today. Prehistory is beyond research. Today is not: it is a point in infinity, where there is no history. This physics is unified at that point of its beginning, so it is falsifiable today. Today you can know scientifically how the universe began and continues today by the very physics of its beginning.
Cosmos Today
The name of this website is 'Cosmos Today'. It is dedicated to the mission of promoting the physics of light revealed to Robert Archer Smith, author of Cosmos Today.
There is a standing contest for anyone who would like to help realize the vision of Bob. 'It has been given to me to understand' (one of Bob's favorite expressions) that there is a correct time when this conception of the universe might be grasped. This time may be now.
I made a promise to Bob that I would try to get this work published, and now confess that after many years of indifference and unbelief, I am willing to be open to the fact that Bob may be correct in thinking that this is the grand unifying theory of the cosmos.
Exigent in its finitude, Infinite in its beginning, indecipherable save in the now... open 24/7 for testing and your chance to co-discover this amazing vision.
Therefore we set forth Bob's work, the work of a dear man, full of life and courage. His life was misunderstood, he suffered persecution, ridicule, and unbelief. Attempts were made to arrest him and brand him with a psychiatric diagnosis. Yet he was one of the great souls of America.
E-mail me if you are seriously interested in pursuing the truth about light according to Robert "Timber" Archer Smith petermcguire4@verizon.net