Thursday, June 4, 2015

Realism Under Attack by Virtual 'Philosophy'

Click below to link for article which opposes Cosmos Today and any realistic psychology. It occurs to me that you cannot define 'reality' metaphysically without first of all beginning with the phenomenal known and this is the domain of physics. Hence it is on the frontline of physics that the defense of "real life" must be forged. For example, Kant's Critique attempts to legitimate real knowledge via "transcendental apperception"---this cannot be done, one must begin with the actuality of the real phenomena as Robert Archer Smith so rightly observed.

In short, there is only one route to a realistic philosophy and that is via a realistic psychology based upon a realistic physics. Beginning with the grasp of truth in vision, then one is able to mount upward to a 'metaphysics of truth'.

Click here for Link