Thursday, June 4, 2015

Realism Under Attack by Virtual 'Philosophy'

Click below to link for article which opposes Cosmos Today and any realistic psychology. It occurs to me that you cannot define 'reality' metaphysically without first of all beginning with the phenomenal known and this is the domain of physics. Hence it is on the frontline of physics that the defense of "real life" must be forged. For example, Kant's Critique attempts to legitimate real knowledge via "transcendental apperception"---this cannot be done, one must begin with the actuality of the real phenomena as Robert Archer Smith so rightly observed.

In short, there is only one route to a realistic philosophy and that is via a realistic psychology based upon a realistic physics. Beginning with the grasp of truth in vision, then one is able to mount upward to a 'metaphysics of truth'.

Click here for Link

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Dimensionless Universe: The Punctual Physics of R.A. Smith

In a masterly move, R. A. Smith explains that the physicist must concern themself with what is observable to the naked eye. The observable is established by the condition of ocular perception. Further, every instrument used to either macroscope or microscope, for example the microscope or the telescope---all that is observable depends on the perception of the naked eye. So that if one is talking about observing light or light phenomena from a "distant" galaxy, one relies upon an observatory which produces images in a digital manner, and these are then interpreted by persons with the naked eye. The human eye then, is the proving ground of every empirical or theoretical observation in physics.
Microscopic and macroscopic data are always dependent upon ocular perception. This is Smith's first masterstroke.

The next masterstroke is this: the universe is dimension-less. This for the simple reason that the universe has no 'outside'. Without an external referent system to ground one's measurement of dimension---for example, a boat on the ocean is small because the magnitude of the ocean. This same boat is enormous in relation to a pond, or even moreso with reference to a mudpuddle. Now consider that this relativity of scale and magnitude is the same for all observable phenomena in the universe. A boat in the middle of an infinite sea is absolutely relative---it is described as a point. Now we cannot say that this infinite sea resides in another infinite sea without ushering in an infinite regress, a neverending series. This seems to be the mental error at the heart of the Big Bang Theory which renders it completely unintelligible, false and even mythical to Smith.

Smith's punctual physics asserts that the beginning of the universe is instantaneous----points filled the universe completely and instantaneously. Hence the physics which underlies its architecture must entail points (even, pointillism)---this masterstroke requires a new conception of time and space. Provided that indeed Smith's account were accurate, then what type of physics would follow? This is called 'exigency'. It would be the physics of points, and the essential relations of these points would be the basis of the physics
Smith calls this RIM-the radical integer matrix.

Traditionally, dimensions are at the very core of physics; length, heighth, width and time-space. The metaphoric term 'fabric' as in fabric of the universe enjoys current use. When we are asked to consider the meaning of dimension-less physics, a number of problems arise for our understanding,  How much of the universe can be empirically observed---the 'scaleable' universe---becomes a matter of crucial significance. 

Cosmos Today by Robert Archer Smith (Seattle, 1994)

Punctual Dynamics

Monday, July 23, 2012

Chapter 2 from Table of Contents

Chapter 2.

      Astronomers explore what is actually a universe of images. Therefore, what images are and how they are formed is of primary importance, if we are to understand what the astronomers observe. Images are of two types, pictoral or ostensible, and spectral. All images are intrinsically dimensionless, so their proportions are unavoidably exponential. The IOU is a logarithmic chart of the ostensible universe observed from a dimensionless [italics mine] earthpoint, and extending unto the asymptotic limit of observation. It not only shows that what the astronomers observe is dictated by the exponentiality of the image. It also accounts for the red spectral shifts as due to the isodynamical nature of light.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Truth about Light (TAL)

On Monday December 20, I was able to meet Greg Hughes and get a first look at the treatise known as "The Truth about Light" by Robert Archer Smith somewhere in Belltown. Parking in Seattle is expensive but I felt that it warranted the sojourn in order to confirm that the manuscript exists. Background is needed on the author.

I met the man at the University of Washington campus on Red Square when I was an undergraduate there 1983-1985. I was drawn by a familiar spirit when I saw his white hair bright blue eyes. For some reason he reminded me of my grandfather! His outfit was standard issue dark blue jacket, slacks and a light blue shirt. He told me that he had two sets of clothes and could alternate wearing and cleaning. I remember Bob's voice and his excellent elocution and verbal intelligence---he spoke in completed sentences and paragraphs. If I recall he invited me to buy me a coffee and a donut for "two bits" at the HUB and to share his testimony of the mysteryconcerning his rebirth and the 'gift of greek'---which fascinated because I had been a student of Greek---I wanted to know more about this mysterious 'gift'. He did not mention his physics of light at the outset but soon I learned a great deal more about the man and his mission.

The fact that I found my way on Monday retracing the steps of my child with my companion at my side fills me with wonder and a not small sense of the difficulty that besets me as I try to describe this wonderful gentleman, so truly American and yet, by dint of his mental capacity, one of the great thinkers anytime, anyplace. After all, how many men can be said to have completely overcome the intellectual and scientific paradigms of their age? Bob did this and more!

Is it possible to "dumb down" Bob's treatise and render it intelligible for many?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Universal Gravitation in The Unified Field of Time

by Robert Archer Smith

Every part and particle of the universe is finitude contained in infinity by central force. To explain why requires the universe to begin as an ultimate dispersion of points in a unified field of centropic force, identified as time. Nothing escapes infinity, so Time exists as an insurmountable barrier, within which all things gravitate. To unify the field, light vectors must coincide with gravitational vectors, contrary to tradition. Gravitation is then seen as location in time and space, and the image of the universe is conveyed by gravitational vectors. Aggregations of matter, and their motions in the cosmos, are as dictated by peripheral confinement within the Time Field. No central mass is required. Physics falsifiable today produced the universe.